Reviews from goormEXP Users
Infusing the organizational culture accumulated over a decade of product creation into goormEXP
- For a culture that works like a sports team.
Do your work in a fun way, measure your performance in a fair way, and every process is agile. We work together like a family and achieve great things like a sports team at goormEXP.
wayne.ryuCEO - Efficient performance measurement.
Each member managed the task, and HR staff can measure quarterly, half-year, and yearly performance. From managing to measuring performance, the whole process should be natural.
sally.jangHR Leader - Different work tools in one place.
Managing the work of multiple team members using different tools used to be tiring. With goormEXP's work tool integrations, we can manage team members' work in one place.
curiduck.kimSquad Leader - Seeing personal growth.
Previously, it was difficult to find motivation in routine administrative tasks as the results couldn't be quantified. Now, with goormEXP, I can quantify performance and take pride in my growth.
lea.choiBusiness Support Manager - The joy of challenge and victory.
I set my goal defiantly because I wanted to raise my level quickly. After practicing hard, I reached double-digit levels and accumulated lots of goorm pieces.
david.moonInfrastructure Engineer - Making small talk easier.
I'm not worried about being awkward when I meet with a colleague I've never seen before. The 'icebreaking' function helps me prepare topics and facilitates rapport building with my coworkers.
mono.kimFullstack Engineer - Getting into the habit of planning my work.
I start my day by writing a 'stand-up' to plan my tasks. It has reduced mistakes and helps me stay focused on achieving my daily goals.
lily.moonBX Designer - Thinking about the strengths of colleagues.
I like the feature of saying compliments and thank you the most. Starting my day with gratitude and receiving compliments from colleagues has been a great motivation.
windy.parkUX Planner
- For a culture that works like a sports team.
Do your work in a fun way, measure your performance in a fair way, and every process is agile. We work together like a family and achieve great things like a sports team at goormEXP.
wayne.ryuCEO - Efficient performance measurement.
Each member managed the task, and HR staff can measure quarterly, half-year, and yearly performance. From managing to measuring performance, the whole process should be natural.
sally.jangHR Leader - Different work tools in one place.
Managing the work of multiple team members using different tools used to be tiring. With goormEXP's work tool integrations, we can manage team members' work in one place.
curiduck.kimSquad Leader - Seeing personal growth.
Previously, it was difficult to find motivation in routine administrative tasks as the results couldn't be quantified. Now, with goormEXP, I can quantify performance and take pride in my growth.
lea.choiBusiness Support Manager - The joy of challenge and victory.
I set my goal defiantly because I wanted to raise my level quickly. After practicing hard, I reached double-digit levels and accumulated lots of goorm pieces.
david.moonInfrastructure Engineer - Making small talk easier.
I'm not worried about being awkward when I meet with a colleague I've never seen before. The 'icebreaking' function helps me prepare topics and facilitates rapport building with my coworkers.
mono.kimFullstack Engineer - Getting into the habit of planning my work.
I start my day by writing a 'stand-up' to plan my tasks. It has reduced mistakes and helps me stay focused on achieving my daily goals.
lily.moonBX Designer - Thinking about the strengths of colleagues.
I like the feature of saying compliments and thank you the most. Starting my day with gratitude and receiving compliments from colleagues has been a great motivation.
windy.parkUX Planner
Enhance Teamwork in 5 Stepswith goormEXP
The Journey to Becoming an Exceptional Organization
01 Plan관련 기능
Plan and managework to achieve goals
Campaigns Feature Description
CampaignsSelect a work management approach that fits your organization.
Visualize, plan, and manage your schedule.

Identify and adjust work progress based on current standards.

Plan and manage processes and schedules by visualizing them.

Subtasks Feature Description
SubtasksEfficiently distribute work by predicting labor requirements with task dependencies.

02 Share관련 기능
Check work progress with voluntary records from members
Work Tool Integrations Feature Description
Integrate work toolsGet your favorite tools and simplify sharing your work.
스탠드업 Feature Description
Stand UpShare with your teamwhat you'll be working on today.

03 Retrospect관련 기능
A growth culture anchored by feedback
Work Feedback Feature Description
Reflect on your workthrough feedbackand constantly improve.

Ongoing Assessment and Feedback Feature Description
Learn and improve throughpeer and self-feedback.
- Communication
Thank you for effective communication during this sprint. It helped us successfully complete the project.
- Challenge
It's impressive to see how you tackle new tasks and exceed expectations. Great job!
- Collaboration
You are quick to respond to urgent tasks and are an essential team member for collaboration
- Responsibility
Thank you for taking the time to work with me on the code, despite being busy. It was a challenging situation, but we were able to overcome it.
04 Analysis관련 기능Coming Soon
Evaluate personnel based on accumulated data by managing employees' work
Group and Member Statistics Feature Description
ReportsMeasure the performanceof each member to manage them.

Burndown Charts Feature Description
Burndown ChartsHelp you understand how each member is progressing and support goal achievement.

05 Rewards관련 기능
Gamificationto establish work habits
Quests Feature Description
QuestsUse games to maketask management a habit.
Levels Feature Description
LevelsYour level increasesas you gain experience.
Purchase Merchandise with Points Feature Description
MerchandiseBuy products withthe points you earn.
Rankings Feature Description
RankingsView rankings to stimulateyour competitive spirit.

06 Enhancing Teamwork관련 기능
Becoming avictorious team
Praise, Icebreakers Feature Description
Praise and IcebreakersCreate a culture of frequent positive comments.
Get Release Notifications
Select only the featuresyour organization needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
- When will the beta be available?
Once the beta is ready, we will send a release notification to the email you signed up with.
- When is the official release date?
We are aiming to release it in the first half of next year!
- What features will be added after the official release?
After the official release, additional features such as member time and attendance management, performance evaluation based on accumulated EXP data, and more will be added.